Pending jobs query checking:
FROM `hwms-api`.process_consolidates
status <> 'closed'
and created_at between "2024-09-30 00:00:00" and "2024-09-30 23:59:59";
If you see there is pending process: and the Stockcard_Process didn't run a new job for quite some time (eg below image, the stockcard_process last run time is 3.00pm, but current time is 3.11pm.. means 11 mins past with no new job runs -- means those records are failed records.
How to determine the records are failed:
Check the log in this path: C:\wamp64\www\hwms\storage\logs\Errors\CronJob\ProcessConsolidate\
If any files found in the date folder like below:
Then update the related DocNo to failed status using below query:
update `hwms-api`.process_consolidates set status='failed' where docNo='MHQ-1-0000003352-MHQ' and status='open';
Refence msg from programmer: